Recognizing service, academic skill
Photo by Lee Ferris
Left to right: Candace White, Director of Student Engagement; Reyna Baumann, Mount Saint Mary College Award; Bella Giordano, Thomas J. Conlon Memorial Award; Katelyn McCann, Senior Award for Outstanding Service; and Elaine O’Grady, Vice President for Students.
Right before Commencement, graduating Mount seniors were recognized for their dedication to academics and the community at the annual Senior Awards ceremony.
More than two dozen deserving senior students received awards.
Bella Giordano was the recipient of the Thomas J. Conlon Memorial Award, which is given to a senior student who has shown outstanding leadership in Student Government.
Katelyn McCann earned the Senior Award for Outstanding Service. This award is for seniors who have devoted much of their time and energy to serving their classmates, the college community, and the community at large throughout their four years at the Mount.
Reyna Baumann earned the Mount Saint Mary College Award, which is for a senior who has maintained a high standard of academic performance and a spirit of cooperation, leadership, and loyal service, and is representative of what being a Mount student exemplifies.
Samantha Bendig was the recipient of the Father Michael J. Gilleece Memorial Award, which is given to a senior who has a great academic average; is a person of high moral character who exemplifies Judeo-Christian values in their everyday life; and who has worked unselfishly for the development of the human potential of their fellow Mount students.
The Senior Class Award for Service and Involvement in the Community was awarded to:
Madison Burke
Andria Camporese
Isabella Coley
Daniella Cucuzza
Kaitlyn Martins
Addison Parker
Grace Riddle
Abigail Solfaro
Thomas Sullivan
Cameryn Surdi

Photos by Lee Ferris
Senior Class Awards for Outstanding Leadership recipients were:
Bryanna Blanks
Christopher DiMare
Nicole Godnick
Emily Gursky
Andrew Maloy
Juliana McCorry
Rebecca Meade
Emily Moore
Edelin Mora
Kathleen Roddy
Madeleine Skibetta
Taylor Soucy
Victoria Veloz-Vicioso